Masters of arena

Our Alliance main goal is to guide our members to become stronger and unstoppable in Arena and Wars. We have multiple guides and information that will help you with your game experience.

Our Alliance

We don’t have any strict rules, but we have to collaborate in WARS in order to get nice rewards for us all, at the end of War Season (for more information please click here).

Every new member should add our “Discord“, in which you will be prompted to let you know when it is your turn to choose your reward. Also, in our Discord Channel #alliance-wars, you can also find specific guidance to know where to deploy in WARS.



Master of arena - Discord

ZeroCity Official Facebook



We consider that each and everyone of us is VIP. There are no specific ranks in our Alliance but we have a few of us in charge to move and assign teams during WARS, which is more a job than a rank.

We have Special mention to our honorable members who are still with us, including Cassius, Seb, Sam and Shadowking. They all come from the original Alliance and they are still with us for more than one year. Special mention to our dear friend MasterMike who passed away 26th April 2021. We love you and we will remember you forever.

Please feel part of the family, as we all are very important members in this Alliance. We are all the same, and we just want to have fun.

French / français:

Nous considérons que chacun des membres de notre Alliance est VIP. Il n’y a pas de rangs spécifiques dans notre Alliance, mais nous avons quelques-uns d’entre nous chargés de déplacer et d’assigner des équipes pendant WARS.

Nous avons une mention spéciale à nos honorables membres qui sont toujours avec nous, y compris Cassius, Seb, Sam et Shadowking. ils viennent tous de l’Alliance originale et ils sont toujours avec nous depuis plus d’un an. Mention spéciale à notre cher ami MasterMike, décédé le 26 avril 2021. Nous vous aimons et nous nous souviendrons de vous pour toujours.

S’il vous plaît, sentez-vous faire partie de la famille, car nous sommes tous des membres très importants de cette Alliance. Nous sommes tous pareils et nous voulons juste nous amuser.

Join our Family

Our Alliance is currently #5 in the World and #1 in America regional. We will reach #1 soon and you can be part of it.

If you just want to have fun and meet new friends you can also join our Discord, no need to leave your current Alliance. We share our Discord channel with anyone, all Alliances are welcome to join and chat, as well as getting to know each other, or have fun with our 4 different CHAT BOTS.

Our Discord Channel has many different features which you would enjoy, such as creating your “own meme image” by entering the text you want for your meme and selecting one of the meme pictures we have (totally automatable & downloadable), you can also search your favorite songs and use them as background music ZeroCity, Voice Chat, Games, General Chat, a guide for each CC level. We offer a special service to help you get the best setting, its 1 on 1 and if you wish we can send you a detailed Excel document with your new setting suggestion and an explanation for the new changes. You can also join us to be able to request for Bunker, we are all pro at running bunker mode and we are glad to share with you. We also have a few other useful guides such as, Tunnel’s guide, Bunker’s guide, Arena guide, Railroad tips for straigh 15 win,  Settings and brackets, Uranium and Cash easy farming guides and much much more!


(Special thanks to Sam for creating our Discord Channel back in 2019, and letting us make a few changes to become the best discord channel ever!)